Compatibility Aquarius and Virgo

The Virgo woman is one who tends to stay at home, read a book before bed, and have small dinner parties with relatives and good friends. She loves to have a family, take care of the home, and talk politics. The Virgo woman spends her time alone a lot, thinking about life’s mysteries and ways to improve everything she has ever done. She is a perfectionist and is very self-critical. The Virgo woman is also critical of those closest to her.

The Aquarius man is a social playboy. He is one who makes friends very easily and attracts attention to himself. The Aquarius goes with his gut and never his brain that would just be too much thinking. He flirts around at times. The Aquarius man is also concerned about things like the environment, politics, and social functions. He wants to change the world and at times, has the ideas that could make a huge difference. The Aquarius is also very charming and friendly.

In the bedroom, sex is exciting at first, but like the relationship it can cool quickly. The Aquarius bores easily with the consistent and predictable Virgo. She tires of his spontaneity and his tendency to be loud and harsh with her. Eventually, without communication and determination, these two will begin to feel bitter towards each other. The Aquarius male is bored and often goes out without his Virgo female. She tends to stay at home alone or sit quietly with a few friends. Things begin to fall apart and the differences that attracted the two together to begin with, come between them.