Compatibility Capricorn and Capricorn

Capricorn male and female are very cautious, calculating, methodical, and plan-oriented people. They take things slow and know what they want when they do make their moves. They are very driven people in their home lives, work, and friendships. Everything is part of a complicated network of plans, calendars, date books, and memos. They share ambitious goals and expect nothing less than the best from themselves and their lovers. Capricorn and Capricorn make a good love match because their signs are the same, otherwise they could be too critical if it were not another Capricorn. They understand each other and know how to coordinate on a lot of levels.

Building a family, a successful career, and advancing in life is important to both the Capricorn male and female. Their home will be neat, orderly, and cleaned on a regular schedule whether it needs it or not. Capricorn and Capricorn will have routines and schedules even on vacation and will plan all of their family functions down to the last detail.

In the bedroom, these two can have an explosive sexual connection. They strive to be the best, to be on top, and to steer their life in the right direction. This carries over into sex and they compete heavily to outdo the other one. At times, Capricorns can get so caught up in the objectives and goals that they have set for themselves that they forget to experience love making and family time. They spend time together but with agendas and scheduled events. This can lead to boring and uninteresting memories. Overall, Capricorn and Capricorn make a good love match.