Compatibility Capricorn and Libra

The Libra woman is used to being out and about, loves socializing, and can be found in places such as nightclubs, bars, and party hot spots. She warms the room, lightens everyone’s moods, and flirts a little in the process.

The Capricorn man is a bit of a loner and prefers to keep a schedule. He is critical of himself and others, expects everyone to follow his lead, and can be depressed at times. He wants to achieve lots of goals and his Libra woman is not into goals and rules.

In love, the two can sway the relationship in either direction. All of the things that Libra and Capricorn are attracted to in the beginning become the bad habits the other tends to hate after years of being together. Compromise is the key word here. If these two can make it past their differences to see their hearts beneath, they will make a lifetime couple.
In the bedroom, the Libra woman always enjoys her Capricorn man. She never admits this but she really loves the way he makes her feel. He feels as if he has accomplished something in his marriage when he can make her intimately happy and this increases the Capricorn’s self confidence, fighting off his moodiness. Libra and Capricorn are great at communicating and can get past any problems as long as they are honest with each other. Honesty is especially important in this astrological combination otherwise the Libra and Capricorn may not stand a chance at lifelong love. To make a long story short: Libra and Capricorn are incompatible astrological signs. A sexual relationship might work well for a while, but a life long love relationship will be a piece of work.