Compatibility Libra and Libra

From the sounds of it, a Libra and Libra relationship should be a great love match, but with these two it is not always the case. Libras are not ones who make decisions easily. They love to debate, study, and find every side to a situation. This is a good thing because once they have studied every angle, they are very good at coming up with the best ideas and strategies. The problem is that they take so long to make up their minds.

Another problem is that Libras tend to be lazy. They do not like to clean, exercise, or work hard. They would rather sit back and analyze everything, talking and discussing things for hours and days to come. Libras are very good at this part but it does not solve their problems. Their problems will keep mounting higher and higher until they become overwhelming if Libras do not work together.

In the bedroom, Libras make a good couple, but sex in general is not their most important thing. Two Libras share the same taste for fine quality items, unique gifts, and basic necessities. They love to spend lazy days on the beach sunbathing. Listening to music and contemplating all the ways the lyrics could be changed would be an all day conversation between two Libras. They spend time alone in front of the fireplace, take long baths together, and read each other classic novels. Libra and Libra feel each others needs because they share the same sign and sex is good but nothing over the moon for them. Spending hours talking until the sun comes up is something Libras would share.