Compatibility Libra and Virgo

The Virgo woman and Libra man seem like an unlikely pair but as long as these two can settle their differences and perform outside their comfort zones part of the time, then they can make huge waves in their own lives. These two complement each other by being different.
The Virgo female is happy to be with the same people day in and day out. She prefers a routine and is not about to change things up. She keeps a schedule; fine tunes her routine, and perfects everything.

The Libra man is a proud lion who is usually the center of attention because everyone is drawn to his regal stature. He loves to be adored by everyone, is very sociable, and does not like to stay at home. He is very charming, knows how to speak well, and is a very likable person.

In the bedroom, the female Virgo and Libra man must work hard to please each other. Libra seems too romantic for his Virgo lover and Virgo wants to keep with a routine, she does not like to change things up. The Virgo man however will however shower his Libra lover with attention when they are alone, but no other time. He will show her many ways to love and be loved but this is almost like falling on deaf ears because of how negative the Libra woman can be. If they can get past their differences and concentrate on making the other as happy as they want to be made then these two can make a relationship last.