Compatibility Virgo and Pisces

The Virgo and Pisces combination is one that either works really well or does not work at all, which is very typical for opposite signs. This is good at times because opposites do attract but sometimes differences can be too hard to overcome.
The Virgo woman is very neat, organized, and critical of everything. She strives for perfection and is never confused about her goals in life. The Virgo woman is very demanding of those around her and expects them to be as much of a perfectionist as she is. This can create feelings of aggravation and depression in a Pisces man.

The Pisces man is one who is very artistic, spiritual, and detached from reality, at times. He often drifts off into his own world forgetting what he needs to do or what is important. Pisces is very sensitive and tends to become moody when others are suffering around him. He lives in his own reality at times which can really bother a Virgo woman.

In the bedroom, the Virgo female and male Pisces get along in the beginning. The Virgo woman wants to stick to a routine sex schedule and the Pisces man can’t keep a regular schedule much less a sexual schedule. He wants his Virgo woman to prove her love in emotional ways and connect with him on spiritual levels. The Virgo gets annoyed with Pisces’ indecisive nature and feels as if he can take nothing seriously. This pair can only work if they can iron out their differences and respect each other for being different; otherwise they are done before they begin. The dating horoscope for these two is terrible, they should remain friends if anything.