Death and The Emperor vs. Death and The Emperor

Tarot Compatibility Meter

Holding an identical place on the compatibility meter, “Death and The Emperor” may actually find love and romance with but another like itself! Only natural to assume, reading further into their pairing, however, may give one great pause to consider.

Establishing order and authority wherever it desires, “Death and The Emperor” is an absolute and difficult to challenge tarot birth card pair. At times unexpected and overwhelming, the nature of this tarot birth card pair is fervently controlling and manipulative. To be recognized, dictating with directness and determination, “Death and The Emperor” gives much consideration to its actions beforehand, and as such, feels undeniably as though it should not be questioned or doubted. With a genuine concern for all those around it, however, “Death and The Emperor” does take and assume the responsibility upon itself to organize, plan, and implement order and organization for the goodwill of everyone involved.

Handling matters of romance with similar duty, these tarot birth cards can be intimidating to establish a relationship with. Demanding and pushing its way through life, the most hospitable of conditions is not always made apparent to any of those who might approach, be it in friendship or in hate.

Despite its seemingly harsh and crude nature, however, it is to be noted that “Death and The Emperor” will give of itself intimately to any of those it most judiciously deems worthy. In this manner, without reserve, “Death and The Emperor” is a reliable and strong tarot birth card pair – capable of creating but its own reality. Yet, it is still of a self-imposed obstacle that romance and relationships must bend to the forced and contrived will of the fearless and equally menacing “Death and The Emperor.”

Combine this sort of attitude with its mirrored tarot birth card pair, and “Death and The Emperor” appears highly unlikely to successfully adapt. Mixing with another of such strong and perceivably arrogant determination, “Death and The Emperor” must prevail in one way or another! Not seemingly interested in making accommodations, this combination of tarot birth cards must then seek to find new meanings in life and love elsewhere.

Death and The Emperor

Fearless and dependable, “Death and The Emperor” is a tarot birth card pair which, without abandon, represents that which is contemporary and eventually to become.

Abiding by no readily understood rules, Death exists with unknown certainty, seemingly freelance in his actions. By this, Death upholds the necessary functions of his duties without consequences and with an inherent authority. Extremely intimate and absolute in his intentions, love and romance for this birth card may otherwise be halted by an imposition of fear and intimidation.

Reading in the opposite direction, The Emperor birth card capitalizes upon the organization of that which already exists. Establishing order in this realm, his authoritative responsibility is that of an inflexible tyrant. Formal and controlling in his objective, The Emperor may find difficulty in entering love, romance, or a relationship which is not in some manner forced or contrived.

Thus, by the tarot deck, these tarot birth cards encompass both a system of anarchy and of order. In this manner, following a controlled, but constantly changing process, “Death and The Emperor” discover meaning and compatibility by the management and ultimate renewal of life.