Death and The Emperor vs. The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician

Tarot Compatibility Meter

In regards to “Death and The Emperor,” establishing order and authority in its relationships is of the utmost importance. Strong and dominant in demeanor, this similar rigidity is also carried over it various other aspects of its life as well! Stubborn to take advice, “Death and The Emperor” is a tarot birth card pair which gives much consideration to its actions beforehand, and as such, feels as though it should not be questioned. Absolute and difficult to challenge, love and romance for this tarot birth card pair must also be adjusted and adaptable to accommodate this procedural way of thinking.

With a genuine concern for what is best for all those around it, though, “Death and The Emperor” takes the responsibility upon itself to organize, plan, and implement organization and order for the goodwill of everyone involved. With power at its will, however, “Death and The Emperor” can be most surely come across as harsh and intimidating. Acting out freely of its own accord, “Death and The Emperor” operates without fear of consequences.
True to the nature of itself, “Death and The Emperor” even further handles matters of romance and relationships with similar duty and dictatorial responsibility. Yet, applying such menacing and demeaning actions to another in the form of a loving and understanding relationship, this tarot birth card pair may undoubtedly encounter some problems.
Treating others in similar fashion, particularly in meanings of romance and love, this birth card can be more than difficult to establish a relationship with.
Of course, overcoming the difficulties can often reap highly beneficial rewards. After all, “Death and The Emperor” will give of itself, intimately and wholeheartedly, to any of those whom it judicially deems worthy. Without reserve, “Death and The Emperor” is reliable and strong – capable of creating most any reality it desires. Thus, acquiring such an ally, whether it be in love or in friendship, the potential benefits to those willing to handle the challenge are limitless.

Nevertheless, romance and relationships in such a situation must always bend to the forced and contrived will of “Death and The Emperor”.

Equally capable and determined, however, “The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” is a master of manipulation. Potentially conniving and voluntarily adaptive and accommodating to most any situation, “The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” could most definitely find romance with that of “Death and The Emperor.” Unpredictably willful, both birth cards possess determined and strong desires for accomplishment. Of course, mixing with another of such strong and perceivably arrogant determination… the final outcome is still questionable. Thus, along with the massive egos of both birth cards… once again, only time will tell.

The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician

A truly unique spread, “The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” stand out from the tarot deck, not as a pair, but as a trio.

The Sun birth card, steady and revealing, instills energy, confidence, and optimism to its followers. Rising to any occasion with perseverance, The Sun is both certain and revealing. Blunt but reassuring, those in a relationship with The Sun can count on continuous reliability and directness.

Somewhat receding, far off and distant in appearance, The Wheel of Fortune birth card revels in its clandestine and dramatic ways. Although heedful to the cyclical events of life, The Wheel of Fortune acknowledges fate and finds meaning in the enjoyment of its passage, whatever the situation; a notion which it applies to matters of love and romance as well.

As for The Magician birth card, whose figure stands out dominantly in portrait, life is not to be accepted but controlled. Alone, The Magician signifies reliance upon skill and intentional manipulation in order to influence outcome. But for this, it may be difficult to decipher its true intentions regarding any relationship or endeavor of love.

Concerning these birth cards altogether, time and change has great meaning. Directly and reliably unpredictable, it is in this manner that “The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” rise united to embrace the unknown.

Death and The Emperor

Fearless and dependable, “Death and The Emperor” is a tarot birth card pair which, without abandon, represents that which is contemporary and eventually to become.

Abiding by no readily understood rules, Death exists with unknown certainty, seemingly freelance in his actions. By this, Death upholds the necessary functions of his duties without consequences and with an inherent authority. Extremely intimate and absolute in his intentions, love and romance for this birth card may otherwise be halted by an imposition of fear and intimidation.

Reading in the opposite direction, The Emperor birth card capitalizes upon the organization of that which already exists. Establishing order in this realm, his authoritative responsibility is that of an inflexible tyrant. Formal and controlling in his objective, The Emperor may find difficulty in entering love, romance, or a relationship which is not in some manner forced or contrived.

Thus, by the tarot deck, these tarot birth cards encompass both a system of anarchy and of order. In this manner, following a controlled, but constantly changing process, “Death and The Emperor” discover meaning and compatibility by the management and ultimate renewal of life.