Dog and Horse

Dog and Horse – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

The two Chinese zodiac signs, the Horse and the Dog are better as friends than they are as lovers. These two make a great couple but are better if they do not try to have a romantic relationship. The Horse is very kind and considerate.

A male Horse will talk a lot and is usually a very bubbly person. The woman Dog is a great motivator. She is stubborn but very smart. The female Horse is jealous and can be irritable at times but she is very tender hearted despite this. The male Dog is a great listener and does not share secrets with everyone else. He keeps his mouth shut and is a loyal companion for life if the two do not cross over the lines of friendship.

Having sex usually tears this couple apart and they are better off leaving it as friends. If these two can keep their hands off each other they will almost certainly enjoy a beautiful relationship that can bring them just as close as if they were intimate. The Horse and the Dog can share many times laughing over old photos, watching home videos, or planning surprise parties for other friends. Keeping the relationship as friends only allows their love to blossom in a special way.