Horse and Tiger

Horse and Tiger – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

The combination between the Tiger and the Horse is a great friendship from the start. The Tiger looks for companionship in the Horse because of the perceptive nature of the horse.

Here is someone the Tiger man can hookup with that will have his back if he needs her too.
The female Horse finds that the male Tiger can help her achieve the social status she desires. The Tiger woman is very quick to change her mind and tends to be too confident in her at times; this can set her up for failure. The Horse man senses this and is very quick to steer his Tiger mate in the right direction, saving her from herself.

When the Horse and Tiger date, it is a very good time. They both enjoy spending time in each others company and are great at entertaining. Having a large gathering at home or spending nights running the clubs are common activities for these two Chinese zodiac signs. In the bedroom, the Tiger and Horse make a good pairing. They are both very smart and have no trouble figuring out how to please each other. Spending time exploring each other and trying new sexual ways to connect are common with these two. Overall, the Tiger and the Horse make a good match.