Justice and The High Priestess vs. The World and The Empress

Tarot Compatibility Meter

Aspiring for truth and perfection, “Justice and The High Priestess” is a strong and dedicated tarot birth card pair, filled with confidence and over-flowing with virtuous meaning and intent. Upholding itself to a higher and ever superior standard, “Justice and The High Priestess” applies its life to no other means. Seeking love and relationships of an equally valiant status, “Justice and The High Priestess” expects and upholds the truth not only for itself, but for the sake of others around it as well. Screening relationships with meticulous care, “Justice and The High Priestess” is both inflexible, highly analytical, and at times very intolerant of the actions, thoughts, and the beliefs of others.

Heavily scrutinizing on its own personal compatibility meter, “Justice and The High Priestess” may actually find hope, however in “The World and The Empress.” A birth card of the moment, “The World and The Empress” is thoroughly preoccupied with conditions as they stand currently. Desiring to nourish and improve its surroundings with nurturing and care, it is in such a manner that “The World and The Empress” strives for the betterment of all those and the world around them.

What more, “The World and The Empress” is also a believer in restrictions and limitations, much like “Justice and The High Priestess.” In world so vast and unending, the philosophy of these two birth card pairs is that rules are of the utmost importance to any wishing or willing to affect change in their lifetime. Utilizing these imposed guidelines to spread and influence what is eventually to become, meanings of compatibility for these two birth card pairs is only further enriched and complemented.

Striking a fine balance on the compatibility meter, “The World and The Empress” together in spread with “Justice and The High Priestess” provide for both similar and like-minded birth card pairs. Thus, taking this and various other factors into consideration, “Justice and The High Priestess” would likely find it hard to deny such a relationship!

The World and The Empress

Current and in vogue, “The World and The Empress” are a tarot birth card pair all about the moment!

Clear and disciplined, The World birth card places limits and order upon all which is energetic and open. Geared towards steady progress, The World employs a regular and methodical philosophy in its approach to any endeavor. Likewise, a relationship of love and romance is prone to follow a similar traditional process as well.

This formality is somewhat shared by The Empress birth card, who although strictly nurturing and protective, welcomes natural creativity. Sitting in loose dress, comfortably and conventionally, The Empress birth card, in romance and relationship, is less orderly and more unpredictable.

Drawn from the tarot deck, these birth cards realize the present with admiration and respect. Going forward, it is with this mentality that “The World and The Empress” then serves a higher purpose upon an eventual and much anticipated destiny.

Justice and The High Priestess

Bold and simultaneously becoming, the tarot birth cards of “Justice and The High Priestess” reveal an admiration for all that is perfect and true.

On one side, Justice sits for the fastidious upholding of truth, and uses his analytical prowess and determination to do so. Strong and clear in expectations, Justice shall guard this ideal with the utmost integrity. Reading as uncompromising, relationships and romance for Justice would likely require vigorous examination before given further consideration.

On the other side, silently smug and determinant, The High Priestess birth card appears righteous and with an air of omniscience, quite content. For The High Priestess, possessing an innate pompousness, her projection of self-realization may prove arrogant to others. Consequently, she may initially be perceived as cold and unapproachable to acts of love and romance.

Combined, having much in common, these birth cards even from tarot deck to spread, display several visual similarities. Adorned with crown and robe, both, appear stately and majestic while seated, yet notably confrontational in gesture and demeanor. Always seeking the truth, it is with this apparent attitude that they journey to reach life’s pinnacle of perfection.