Numerology Compatibility Number 1 and 5

The birth path number 1 and birth path number 5 make a good match when it comes to love and relationships because each number desires a significant amount of freedom. Independence is a necessity for both the number 1 and number 5 as singles and as a couple. There are going to be times where you are so busy doing your own thing that you will not have the together time that you need. When together time is formed, it is very special and very exciting.

The number 1 and the number 5 may actually find that you need to schedule time together because you are both independent spirits. The key to making this relationship work is providing space for your partner. Neither one of you should try to impose your will on the other one as it will not end well. Choosing another free spirit can be advantageous to your love relationship or dating life only because it is hard for someone who is not a free spirit to understand you and your strong desire for freedom. If someone wants to keep you tied down, it is not going to work – which is why number 1 and number 5 make a great life path compatibility. A number 1 personality is very compatible with a number 5 personality.