Numerology Compatibility Number 2 and 7

When a life path number 2 and a life path number 7 come together, it can often become incompatible because of how different these two Numerology numbers are. These are strong numbers as singles and as a pairing. If you are a number two and you meet a number 7 – or the other way around – it will be necessary to understand how different the two of you are. Number 7 enjoys solitude while number 2 wants to be shown love all the time.

You will need to stay tuned to each other’s needs, and desires. As long as you communicate what you each need and want, your love will continue to grow and become very passionate. There will have to be some give-and-take throughout the relationship because of how different the two of you are. Essentially, because number 7 likes there alone time, number 2 will need to find a hobby in order to fill that time that they would otherwise spend together. As long as this happens, you will be able to get past your differences and have a strong dating life and potentially even a longer lasting love relationship. According to Numerology a number 2 personality is very compatible with a number 7 personality.