Numerology Compatibility Number 3 and 4

The number 3 and number four life numbers together can be extremely challenging because of how opposite they are. As singles, life is good. In a relationship, life can be rough. The number 3’s spontaneity and the number 4’s desire to micro-manage can lead to a number of different arguments just about everything. As long as you understand that arguments are inevitable about certain things, you will be able to find a mutual ground and learn to respect each other’s space. The number 3 can show number 4 how to let loose and have fun while number 4 can show number 3 that there is more to life than one giant party.

If you can learn to meet in the middle on things, a beautiful balance can be created in your relationship and even dating each other can be a lot more fun. The main thing is to establish early on what the give and take is going to be so that neither of you begin to form resentments. Number 4 has to learn to let up and stop being so controlling. If this is you, then you need to take things in stride. If you’re dating the number 4, you may need to work with him or her to show that things are okay even when they aren’t micro-managing. As long as number 4 learns to let up and number 3 isn’t so spontaneous all of the time, this love match can work. It all depends on just how extreme these two personalities truly are. According to Numerology a number 3 personality might not be so compatible with a number 4 personality.