Numerology Compatibility Number 7 and 8

The number 7 and number 8 life path numbers together work physically, but not always emotionally. One of the main reasons for this is that number 7 is private and doesn’t like to exert authority while number 8 enjoys domination and control. The power behind both of these numbers can result in a lot of verbal arguments – and this can put a damper on any romance that was blossoming between the number 7 and the number 8. If you can reach agreements on some of the larger points, it is possible to kindle love, but if you can’t learn to get past your differences, a love relationship or even dating is going to be out of the question.

Connecting on an emotional level is important, so you may want to schedule a date or two where you simply talk about what you expect out of a relations. If you can’t make agreements now, there’s no point in going any further. According to numerology a number 7 personality and a number 8 personality may be not so compatible.