Numerology Compatibility Number 7 and 9

Number 7 and number 9 can make an interesting pairing. You are considered so-so in terms of compatibility because it can really go either way depending upon what you believe on a spiritual level. Both of you have strong spiritual beliefs and you hold onto them deeply. If you don’t see eye to eye on the spiritual level, it is never going to work because of how strongly you feel on this topic. If you agree on God and religion, then the two of you can go very far. It is simply a matter of being open about beliefs to see if you can agree or not.

Once you break past this point, the relationship is likely going to be smooth sailing. Know the meaning of your numerology numbers to help you. Remember that number 7 likes to be alone sometimes. When number 9 is in a very giving mood, this can be a problem because number 9 will want to get out there and be social while number 7 just wants to be alone. Number 9 will have to act like a humanitarian without the help of their mate sometimes and be okay with it for this pairing to work out. According to numerology a number 7 and a number 9 personality might not be very compatible.