Sheep and Tiger

Sheep (Goat) and Tiger – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

Chinese horoscopes are certain that the Tiger and Sheep pair in the zodiac is a good love match if the two are willing to work hard.

The Tiger man is bold and has an ego. He is always the center of attention. The Sheep woman is quiet and cautious. She lives at home happily and does not care for the social scene. She prefers quiet dinners at home with family or a few close friends. The Tiger woman is very upfront and smart. She has the eyes of everyone in the room on her when she enters and she knows it. The Sheep man is a worrier and very oversensitive. He is plagued with wild ideas and dreams. This can make for an interesting combination both as friends and as sexual partners.

The Tiger and Sheep can be found in any number of places trying to have a good party or maybe even spending a quiet evening with friends. The key to this pair is communication and patience. The Tiger and Sheep are so different that they attract each other. In the bedroom, the two are a mix of tender and passionate lovemaking to crazy and kinky displays of sexual fantasies. Tiger and Sheep are never bored with each other and in fact teach each other how to explore their sexual desires and feelings.