The Hanged Man and The Empress vs. Death and The Emperor

Tarot Compatibility Meter

Reading into the complexity of compatibility and tarot birth card pair romances, how might one develop an idea as to whether or not “The Hanged Man and The Empress” and “Death and The Emperor” are a good match?

To begin with, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” is definitely a birth card pair of deep and meaningful abstraction. Yet, striving not only for spiritually but physically deeper meanings of life, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” attempts to wholeheartedly address all areas of a healthy relationship. Caring for the body, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” offers love and affection, showering those it loves with attention. Intimate and hands-on, the nature of “The Hanged Man and The Empress” is full involvement and immersion in a protected and physically prosperous atmosphere. Nurturing the soul, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” goes further by employing the use of meditation to connect one’s self fully with harmony. Plugged in and tuned out, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” is then able to clarify the mind and soul to receive enlightenment and inner illumination.

Keeping those actions in consideration, “Death and The Emperor” is a birth card pair of management and control. Unyielding to the advice of other birth cards, for better or worse, “Death and The Emperor” makes meaning of its own decisions without regret or compromise. Establishing order and authority wherever it goes, “Death and The Emperor” also handles matters of love and romance with similar duty and responsibility. Seemingly inflexible and displaying little sign of a nurturing nature, “Death and The Emperor” as a birth card pair would seem much an opposite personality to that of “The Hanged Man and The Empress.”

Bear in mind, of course, that perhaps opposites do attract! By all appearances, between everyone involved in this gathering of birth cards, the entire realm of creation and existence – from birth until death – is covered in this potential relationship. Still, without much reserve, the combination of “The Hanged Man and The Empress” with “Death and The Emperor” birth cards would seem somewhat of a compatibility free-for-all, whereby there could be any number of outcomes.

Death and The Emperor

Fearless and dependable, “Death and The Emperor” is a tarot birth card pair which, without abandon, represents that which is contemporary and eventually to become.

Abiding by no readily understood rules, Death exists with unknown certainty, seemingly freelance in his actions. By this, Death upholds the necessary functions of his duties without consequences and with an inherent authority. Extremely intimate and absolute in his intentions, love and romance for this birth card may otherwise be halted by an imposition of fear and intimidation.

Reading in the opposite direction, The Emperor birth card capitalizes upon the organization of that which already exists. Establishing order in this realm, his authoritative responsibility is that of an inflexible tyrant. Formal and controlling in his objective, The Emperor may find difficulty in entering love, romance, or a relationship which is not in some manner forced or contrived.

Thus, by the tarot deck, these tarot birth cards encompass both a system of anarchy and of order. In this manner, following a controlled, but constantly changing process, “Death and The Emperor” discover meaning and compatibility by the management and ultimate renewal of life.

The Hanged Man and The Empress

Detached, yet simultaneously involved, few tarot birth cards debut the spiritual meaning versus the physical meaning, more than “The Hanged Man and The Empress.”

Hanging by his own merit, imperturbable on cross, The Hanged Man birth card, with glorified halo, represents a distancing of self; inner withdrawal from the trivial meanings of living, towards a deeper overall reading into life. Striving highly for abstract meaning via spiritual ideals, The Hanged Man is mindful of the importance of purging one’s soul, and seeks life, love, and relationships accordingly.

In contrast, The Empress birth card, sitting in dress and crown, comfortably and conventionally, remains focused upon that which is more tangible. By this, deeper meaning for The Empress is more aptly achieved via the attentive and active engagement shown and showered upon those around her.

Observed straight from the tarot deck, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” in spread produce countering imagery of color, posture, symbolism, and decorum. Despite this, the meanings of these birth cards are actually quite complimentary. Although in some ways opposite, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” unite as selflessly well-meaning, and capable of great love and devotion for those that they deem worthy.