The Hanged Man and The Empress vs. Judgement and The High Priestess

Tarot Compatibility Meter

In matters of love and relationship, the compatibility meter for these two tarot birth card pairs makes them no doubt eligible contenders.

Concerning “The Hanged Man and The Empress,” spiritual and physical wellness are considered the top of the list items, held of highest meaning and importance. Taking one’s body into meditation and reflection, only then can one’s soul be purged of the impurities and negative meanings which unavoidably impair life. As a tarot birth card pair, applying this philosophy to love and romance would make for any entering a relationship with “The Hanged Man and The Empress” to undergo a full body and mind experience… one which requires dedication and definite fortitude of character.

Both qualities of which are highly displayed by “Judgement and The High Priestess.” Pertaining to love and relationships, “Judgement and The High Priestess” is a headstrong and self-sufficient tarot birth card pair. So much so, in fact, that under its own guise of perfection, “Judgement and The High Priestess” may feel equally complete; without need or meaning to seek the services or compatibility of another.

Alone, “Judgement and The High Priestess” as a tarot birth card pair has a tendency to get caught up and bogged down with the natural everyday occurrences of life. But with an admiration for new beginnings, “Judgement and The High Priestess” may in fact wish to be free of such burdens. Consequently, paired in combination with the renewing philosophy and compatibility of “The Hanged Man and The Empress” tarot birth card pair, this possibility may now be an available option.
Together in spread, “Judgement and The High Priestess” may ultimately find comfort and solace by the complementary nature of “The Hanged Man and The Empress,” and from deck to spread may embark upon romance and love indefinitely in each others present and welcome company.

Judgement and The High Priestess

Stubbornly capable, “Judgement and The High Priestess” are tarot birth cards which focus on the meanings of not the common, but the uncanny.

To begin, Judgement is a birth card very much aware and supportive of life’s complexities. A candidate for change and new awakenings, Judgement applies itself to fresh beginnings and new starts. In relationship, this attitude towards love and romance may then open up doors leading to endless possibilities.

Silently smug and determinant, The High Priestess birth card appears righteous and with an air of omniscience, quite content. For The High Priestess, possessing an innate pompousness, her projection of self-realization may prove arrogant to others. Consequently, she may initially be perceived as cold and unapproachable to acts of love and romance.

In spread, these birth cards bring to the tarot deck an ability to ascend. Representing the beginning and eventual product of growth, “Judgement and The High Priestess” embark upon the exploration of all that is perfection.

The Hanged Man and The Empress

Detached, yet simultaneously involved, few tarot birth cards debut the spiritual meaning versus the physical meaning, more than “The Hanged Man and The Empress.”

Hanging by his own merit, imperturbable on cross, The Hanged Man birth card, with glorified halo, represents a distancing of self; inner withdrawal from the trivial meanings of living, towards a deeper overall reading into life. Striving highly for abstract meaning via spiritual ideals, The Hanged Man is mindful of the importance of purging one’s soul, and seeks life, love, and relationships accordingly.

In contrast, The Empress birth card, sitting in dress and crown, comfortably and conventionally, remains focused upon that which is more tangible. By this, deeper meaning for The Empress is more aptly achieved via the attentive and active engagement shown and showered upon those around her.

Observed straight from the tarot deck, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” in spread produce countering imagery of color, posture, symbolism, and decorum. Despite this, the meanings of these birth cards are actually quite complimentary. Although in some ways opposite, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” unite as selflessly well-meaning, and capable of great love and devotion for those that they deem worthy.