Tarot Compatibility Meter
Provided that these two tarot birth card pairs should meet in love, the compatibility of these birth cards may of course come heavily into play.
Reading high on the compatibility meter, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” is a tarot birth card pair of genuine love and enlightenment. By its very nature “The Hanged Man and The Empress” attempts to address all areas of a healthy relationship.
From caring for the body, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” offers love and affection, showering those it loves with focused attention. To nurturing the soul, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” goes further by employing the use of meditation to connect one’s self fully in cycle with inner harmony. Discovering new meanings for not only itself, any entering in love and romance with “The Hanged Man and The Empress” can expect a potentially total, meaningful, and comprehensive relationship to ensue.
Together, with “The World and The Empress” tarot birth card pair, many things are then possible. Never satisfied with society and life as the way it currently is, “The World and The Empress” is a tarot birth card pair of restless disapproval! Applying itself to contemporary matters of concern, however, “The World and The Empress” is a focused problem-solver, looking to improve and empower all which surrounds it. In this manner, although almost always preoccupied, the self-cultivating benefits of “The Hanged Man and The Empress” may strengthen and renew the spirit and lend motivation to that of the applied efforts of “The World and The Empress.”
Such a meaningful and priceless gift, the compatibility of “The World and The Empress” tarot birth card pair together in spread with “The Hanged Man and The Empress” birth cards is both noticeable, and unavoidable. Enjoying and benefiting from each other by their natural tendencies, a happy and sustainable relationship is the likely to be the ultimate result.
The World and The Empress
Clear and disciplined, The World birth card places limits and order upon all which is energetic and open. Geared towards steady progress, The World employs a regular and methodical philosophy in its approach to any endeavor. Likewise, a relationship of love and romance is prone to follow a similar traditional process as well.
This formality is somewhat shared by The Empress birth card, who although strictly nurturing and protective, welcomes natural creativity. Sitting in loose dress, comfortably and conventionally, The Empress birth card, in romance and relationship, is less orderly and more unpredictable.
Drawn from the tarot deck, these birth cards realize the present with admiration and respect. Going forward, it is with this mentality that “The World and The Empress” then serves a higher purpose upon an eventual and much anticipated destiny.
The Hanged Man and The Empress
Hanging by his own merit, imperturbable on cross, The Hanged Man birth card, with glorified halo, represents a distancing of self; inner withdrawal from the trivial meanings of living, towards a deeper overall reading into life. Striving highly for abstract meaning via spiritual ideals, The Hanged Man is mindful of the importance of purging one’s soul, and seeks life, love, and relationships accordingly.
In contrast, The Empress birth card, sitting in dress and crown, comfortably and conventionally, remains focused upon that which is more tangible. By this, deeper meaning for The Empress is more aptly achieved via the attentive and active engagement shown and showered upon those around her.
Observed straight from the tarot deck, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” in spread produce countering imagery of color, posture, symbolism, and decorum. Despite this, the meanings of these birth cards are actually quite complimentary. Although in some ways opposite, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” unite as selflessly well-meaning, and capable of great love and devotion for those that they deem worthy.