The Hermit – Tarot Card Meanings

The Meanings of the 22 Major Arcana Tarot Cards – The Hermit:

Introduction to The Hermit

The Hermit is Key 9 of the Major Arcana in Tarot decks. This card can mean enlightenment and the voice of the inner self. Often, the Hermit card can denote a need to take an unfamiliar path. The Hermit is ruled by the zodiac sign of Virgo.

The Hermit is normally shown on traditional and online Tarot cards as an aged man supported by this staff and guided by a lit lantern. The staff is a representation of the strength of the divine spirit on which he can rely to keep on a straight path. The lantern he holds in his right hand is a symbol of the inner light that guides the spiritual traveler onto the correct path. The Hermit appears to be traveling slowly but surely and has a planned agenda. Many online Tarot decks show the Hermit sporting a full white beard to denote wisdom accrued.

Both withdrawal from society followed by much quiet meditation are meanings indicated by the appearance of the Hermit card in a Tarot deck spread. The Hermit card suggests a time to rest and think silently about matters. The Hermit can be an adopted birth card for spiritual advisers, the elderly and the wise. This card also indicates that it is an ideal time to study a matter of interest and to accrue wisdom. The Hermit is the primary birth card for those born under the zodiac sign of Virgo and is a secondary birth card for those born under the other sign ruled by planet Mercury, Gemini.

The Hermit Upright

The Hermit upright is a card of searching within. Introspection, solitude and a quest for inner wisdom are all indicated with the appearance of the Hermit card in a Major Arcana Tarot reading. A spiritual journey that teaches an individual something of intrinsic value is one of the meanings suggested by the Hermit.

When the Hermit is before the Star card in a Tarot spread, academic success is certain and imminent. If the Star card is first, the study will result in mastery. When the Hermit follows the Moon card in a Tarot spread, eccentricity combined with genius is indicated. And if the Hermit appears in a Tarot deck reading with the Judgement card, the meaning implies study will be comprehensive and complete.

The Hermit suggests to retreat and contemplate in privacy. If the Hermit appears before the High Priestess card in a Major Arcana Tarot spread, any secret will never be revealed, but if the Hermit follows the High Priestess card, the secret will be discovered. And if the Devil card comes after the Hermit card, most meanings indicate that evil will prevail but if the Devil is before the Hermit, light be shined on the matter to reveal the true enemies and their underhanded methods.

The Hermit Reversed (RX)

The Hermit card reversed signifies wisdom spurned along with too much isolation from the world. The Hermit reversed can suggest one is too self-absorbed or too reclusive. If the reversed Hermit (rx) card appears in a Tarot deck reading with the reversed Hierophant (rx), the solitude can be a factor in adopting bizarre and unrealistic religious and sexual beliefs, but if the Hierophant is upright and comes before the reversed Hermit, the person will adapt and adjust in the future. If the Hierophant card upright follows the reversed Hermit, an end to the self-imposed exile will occur.

The reversed Hermit (rx) in a Tarot reading along with the Fool card can denote antisocial tendencies, especially if dealing with birth cards. If the Tower card in either orientation precedes the reversded Hermit (rx) card in any Tarot spread, the meaning can indicate survivalist tendencies. If the Tower card follows the reversed Hermit (rx) card, an event will cause a sudden return to the mundane world. And whenever the reversed Hermit (rx) appears in Major Arcana Tarot readings next to either the Empress or Emperor card, parental advice regarding sexual matters will be rejected with much expense.

The Hermit in Regards to Love, Sex and Relationships

The Hermit is more of a card of love and relationships with oneself. The appearance of the Hermit in a Tarot reading suggests that it is time to leave others to their own thoughts and to be sure to give them enough space. The Hermit card suggests a need to reconnect with one’s own inner self and to respect personal boundaries. The Hermit can signify a mentor of some sort that can dispense priceless advice with regards to a love, sexual or relationship issue as well.