The Moon and The Hermit vs. Judgement and The High Priestess

Tarot Compatibility Meter

Introducing these tarot birth cards together in spread for compatibility, a careful analysis such as what “The Moon and The Hermit” birth cards might account for, is definitely warranted.

With much passion and desire, “The Moon and The Hermit” is a tarot birth card pair which travels tirelessly with the main objective of acquiring first-hand knowledge and experience.
Striving for this knowledge and with the hopes of sharing it with others, “The Moon and The Hermit” faces and overcomes uncertainty against all odds. Not to be confused with being rash in temperament, “The Moon and The Hermit” bases its decisions most heavily upon its own personal experiences. Self-motivated in such a manner, “The Moon and The Hermit” encourages others, both in love and generally in life, to follow in similar footsteps. Undeterred, in its determined and ambitious exploration of personal growth and love, “The Moon and The Hermit” is ultimately capable of uncovering new and deeper meanings of life, for the benefit of itself, as well as those it cares for.

Reading that as it may, “The Moon and The Hermit” understands the triumphs as well as the hardships of personal success. Developing valuable meanings out of its intense travels, “The Moon and The Hermit” is indeed a respectable and knowledgeable conqueror of the unknown. Striving for knowledge, and sharing it with others, “The Moon and The Hermit” is capable of uncovering new and deeper meanings of life for the benefit of all.

Similarly motivated on the path to personal greatness, “Judgement and The High Priestess” desires perfection out of life and nothing less. Insistent upon learning all the secrets of this world, one must always be striving for and eventually worthy of this highest and most worthy achievement. Ranking high on the compatibility meter in this situation, “The Moon and The Hermit” is thus a viable contender for the love and affections of “Judgement and The High Priestess.” Through its insight acquired from its journeys and travels, “The Moon and The Hermit” birth cards may indeed offer “Judgement and The High Priestess” the vast, first-hand knowledge it has acquired meanings from so diligently.

Together now with the experience and knowledge of “The Moon and The Hermit,” the lofty goals of “Judgement and The High Priestess” are now actually obtainable.

Judgement and The High Priestess

Stubbornly capable, “Judgement and The High Priestess” are tarot birth cards which focus on the meanings of not the common, but the uncanny.

To begin, Judgement is a birth card very much aware and supportive of life’s complexities. A candidate for change and new awakenings, Judgement applies itself to fresh beginnings and new starts. In relationship, this attitude towards love and romance may then open up doors leading to endless possibilities.

Silently smug and determinant, The High Priestess birth card appears righteous and with an air of omniscience, quite content. For The High Priestess, possessing an innate pompousness, her projection of self-realization may prove arrogant to others. Consequently, she may initially be perceived as cold and unapproachable to acts of love and romance.

In spread, these birth cards bring to the tarot deck an ability to ascend. Representing the beginning and eventual product of growth, “Judgement and The High Priestess” embark upon the exploration of all that is perfection.

The Moon and The Hermit

Extreme meanings in contrast, “The Moon and The Hermit” are tarot birth cards of compatible journeyers on a mission.

Facing the unknown, The Moon birth card becomes the darkness of uncertainty. Overcoming the fear of unrealized possibilities, The Moon must grow and adapt to whatever challenges emerge, consistently rediscovering itself in the process. Evolving to meet changing circumstances, this birth card is however prone to mistrust, meaning a relationship or romance may suffer from its insecurities and fears.

Working long and steady, The Hermit birth card is smart, analytical, and ambitious. Garnering knowledge and experience with faith, The Hermit creates from his labor a path from which others may follow. Carefully reading into his efforts, The Hermit, as a result may become inundated by his work and thus relegate little time for love and romance.

Covering all dimensions of travel and exploration, from the tarot deck, this loyal birth card pair exists to serve. As companions and guides, “The Moon and The Hermit” spread promise to others whose journey of personal growth has only commenced and further encourages them through to its completion.