Tarot Compatibility Meter
As a tarot birth card pair of great likeness, the compatibility meter for this romance may likely read with meanings of simultaneous fortune and success.
Pushing forward through life, fully capable and determined, “The Tower and The Chariot” is a compatible birth card of great accomplishment and resolution. Facing life in a truly bold and confrontational style, “The Tower and The Chariot” is acknowledged and admired by others for its mannerisms and efforts. In matters of romance and relationship, these qualities translate to “The Tower and The Chariot” lending itself freely and dutifully to those it loves. Acknowledging this, however, it is with a looming presence that “The Tower and The Chariot” may unknowingly displace the affections of others by its domineering and intimidating actions. Opposing and seemingly unapproachable, the consequential feelings in developing such a relationship with “The Tower and The Chariot” birth cards may initially be perceived as worrisome and by some accounts even frightening!
Taking this imposing uncertainty to heart, “The World and The Empress” makes for an upfront but supportive partner in romance and relationship. Direct in nature, and focused predominantly upon the present, “The World and The Empress” strives for improvement and empowerment of the entire world around it. Creating methodical control in a world so vast, “The World and The Empress” gauges and makes ready, the steady improvement necessary to achieve eventual greatness. A problem solver at its heart, “The World and The Empress” may often carry out this sort of mentality in a very procedural, and perhaps traditional and linear process. Perhaps being considered a bit predictable by other birth cards, love and romance in this manner is always monitored, never allowed to die, and always promoted to growth.
“The Tower and The Chariot” birth cards, by comparison, bring the vigor, strength, and dominance necessary to achieve such growth! Together in spread, both “The World and The Empress” and “The Tower and The Chariot” make for a remarkable and powerful relationship, resilient to the threat of collapse, and capable of what others believe to be the incapable.
The World and The Empress
Clear and disciplined, The World birth card places limits and order upon all which is energetic and open. Geared towards steady progress, The World employs a regular and methodical philosophy in its approach to any endeavor. Likewise, a relationship of love and romance is prone to follow a similar traditionalistic process as well.
This formality is somewhat shared by The Empress birth card, who although strictly nurturing and protective, welcomes natural creativity. Sitting in loose dress, comfortably and conventionally, The Empress birth card, in romance and relationship, is less orderly and more unpredictable.
Drawn from the tarot deck, these birth cards realize the present with admiration and respect. Going forward, it is with this mentality that “The World and The Empress” then serves a higher purpose upon an eventual and much anticipated destiny.
The Tower and The Chariot
Powerful and central to those around it, The Tower birth card commands the attention and acknowledgement of its observers. Indeed, it is in this regard that The Tower might not understand or find compatible any relationship where this dynamic could not be appropriately preserved. Potentially confrontational, it is with a looming sense that love and romance for The Tower might seem initially unexpected or even further intimidating.
Similarly balanced and steadfast, The Chariot birth card takes on the imperative by any means necessary. Through considerate preparation, a determined and balanced course of action is what The Chariot ultimately relies upon. As such, the journey of love and romance for The Chariot may often follow the same grounded and controlled mindset as well.
Together willful, confident, and resilient, “The Tower and The Chariot” are a tarot birth card pair which from tarot deck to spread, offer protection in both bold and varied capacities for the purposes of a common goal.