The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician vs. The Moon and The Hermit

Tarot Compatibility Meter

Rallying for love and romance, the compatibility meter of these tarot birth cards persists as steady but true.

Be it known, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” is opportunistic and capable of capitalizing upon any given situation with objectivity and apparent ease. Controlling destiny with confidence and skill, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” does not accept life without relevantly introduced opposition and determination. Capable of great love, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” may be a usurper perhaps in the judgmental eyes of some, but admirable and desirable in initiative, nevertheless, to others. To “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” developing quick and meaningful relationships, regardless of actual compatibility, are in fact essential components of its continual success!

Reading that as it may, “The Moon and The Hermit” has led a path which enables it to truly understand the hardships of personal success. Developing valuable meanings out of its intense travels, “The Moon and The Hermit” is an equally respectable conqueror of the unknown, and as such should merit the same level of respect in all areas of compatibility and existence

In search of love and life with a willing partner, however, “The Moon and The Hermit” may not deem itself fully worthy of that which it deserves. As a result, compatibility in romance for “The Moon and The Hermit” may seem but a lofty and unfortunately unattainable goal. Yet, being adaptable, brave, and ambitious, amongst many other traits, this birth card has much to offer to those it loves.
Returning the favor, in relationship to this, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” has a tendency to bring out the best qualities and traits in anyone it so desires. Taking life by the way, and navigating it as however perceived desirable, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” possesses the traits to do so with certitude and assurance. As a result, those targeted are empowered to realize their true potential, and in this regard, “The Moon and The Hermit” would ultimately benefit from a smooth and beneficial relationship with “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician.”

Serving humbly for its half of the relationship, the compatibility of “The Moon and The Hermit” together with “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” then upgrades the relationship to that of mutually beneficial splendor.

The Moon and The Hermit

Extreme meanings in contrast, “The Moon and The Hermit” are tarot birth cards of compatible journeyers on a mission.

Facing the unknown, The Moon birth card becomes the darkness of uncertainty. Overcoming the fear of unrealized possibilities, The Moon must grow and adapt to whatever challenges emerge, consistently rediscovering itself in the process. Evolving to meet changing circumstances, this birth card is however prone to mistrust, meaning a relationship or romance may suffer from its insecurities and fears.

Working long and steady, The Hermit birth card is smart, analytical, and ambitious. Garnering knowledge and experience with faith, The Hermit creates from his labor a path from which others may follow. Carefully reading into his efforts, The Hermit, as a result may become inundated by his work and thus relegate little time for love and romance.

Covering all dimensions of travel and exploration, from the tarot deck, this loyal birth card pair exists to serve. As companions and guides, “The Moon and The Hermit” spread promise to others whose journey of personal growth has only commenced and further encourages them through to its completion.

The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician

Full of life, and bearing its unpredictable outcomes, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” are tarot birth cards which are champions of occurrence.

Reading somewhat receding, far off and distant in appearance, The Wheel of Fortune birth card revels in its clandestine and dramatic ways. Although heedful to the cyclical events of life, The Wheel of Fortune acknowledges fate and finds meaning in the enjoyment of its passage, whatever the situation; a notion which it applies to matters of love and romance as well.

As for The Magician birth card, whose figure stands out dominantly in portrait, life is not to be accepted but controlled. Alone, The Magician signifies reliance upon skill and intentional manipulation in order to influence outcome. But for this, it may be difficult to spread and decipher its true intentions regarding any relationship or endeavor of love.

Together, this tarot birth card pair, as evidenced by the tarot deck itself, differs quite frankly in form. Yet, standing out from the spread, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” handle life with a balance of patient acceptance and methodical control. From this, they are able to accomplish most whatever they set their mind to, and above all else, desire to make the most out of life.