Tarot Compatibility Meter
Concerning any potential relationship between these birth cards, the compatibility meter may reserve the right to remain unanimously at neutral.
Indeed, it is without reserve that “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” is often an aggressive proponent of impression. Particularly domineering and controlling, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” is a manipulator of situation and circumstance. No doubt, leading others to that which it wants them to discover, it is with swagger that “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” may gallantly sweep “The World and The Empress” eventually right off of its feet!
To be noted, “The World and The Empress” is generally about the moment as well; thoroughly preoccupied with conditions as they stand for improvement, but with also some considerable thought and planning for what is eventually to become. Yet, upon romantic encounter with “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician,” a full process of prioritization may coincidentally be lost. A master of manipulation, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” can discover and implement false compatibility with most anything it desires. As a result, this presumed relationship may find romance understandable and even undeniable. Spoiled and pampered incessantly, “The World and The Empress” may likely fall head-over-heels in love by the charisma and charm of “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician.”
Provided that “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” and “The World and The Empress” are in fact prone to such a love and relationship, it is at this point, whereby the initial spark between them may last indefinitely. Dependent upon a variety of factors, the love may flourish and grow to potentially epic proportions. Of course, it is also possible for either to lose interest and for the romance to inevitably fade with the progression of time. Taking this into consideration, as the novelty wears off, feelings of compatibility may dwindle and sway. Given this situation, the diminishing relationship may lead either partner to equally discover new conquests and meanings, no longer shared in common with one another. Either way, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” together with “The World and The Empress” would likely make for a fun-loving and momentous romance, but for just how long only time will tell.
The World and The Empress
Clear and disciplined, The World birth card places limits and order upon all which is energetic and open. Geared towards steady progress, The World employs a regular and methodical philosophy in its approach to any endeavor. Likewise, a relationship of love and romance is prone to follow a similar traditional process as well.
This formality is somewhat shared by The Empress birth card, who although strictly nurturing and protective, welcomes natural creativity. Sitting in loose dress, comfortably and conventionally, The Empress birth card, in romance and relationship, is less orderly and more unpredictable.
Drawn from the tarot deck, these birth cards realize the present with admiration and respect. Going forward, it is with this mentality that “The World and The Empress” then serves a higher purpose upon an eventual and much anticipated destiny.
The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician
Reading somewhat receding, far off and distant in appearance, The Wheel of Fortune birth card revels in its clandestine and dramatic ways. Although heedful to the cyclical events of life, The Wheel of Fortune acknowledges fate and finds meaning in the enjoyment of its passage, whatever the situation; a notion which it applies to matters of love and romance as well.
As for The Magician birth card, whose figure stands out dominantly in portrait, life is not to be accepted but controlled. Alone, The Magician signifies reliance upon skill and intentional manipulation in order to influence outcome. But for this, it may be difficult to spread and decipher its true intentions regarding any relationship or endeavor of love.
Together, this tarot birth card pair, as evidenced by the tarot deck itself, differs quite frankly in form. Yet, standing out from the spread, “The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician” handle life with a balance of patient acceptance and methodical control. From this, they are able to accomplish most whatever they set their mind to, and above all else, desire to make the most out of life.