Tarot Birth Card Compatibility – Temperence and The Hierophant

Temperance and The Hierophant

With passion and charisma, the tarot birthcards of “Temperance and The Hierophant” serve not only as role models of personal growth, but as trusted purveyors of faith and guidance as well.

Able to perceive meaning in all which it encounters, the birth card of Temperance maneuvers through the safest of paths. Reading into situations, it is with vast insight that Temperance is capable of reasoning all possible outcomes, and consequently decide upon the most efficient and appropriate course of action. For this reason, Temperance may avoid taking risks in regards to love, romance, and relationships.

On the other hand, The Hierophant birth card is highly regarded as an ethical and spiritual leader of decision-making. An expert of inner awareness, The Hierophant focuses on spiritual connectivity, inside and out, and possesses the true knowledge necessary to make such determinations. As such, decisions of love and romance for The Hierophant are almost always connected to the heart.

From tarot deck to spread, neither tarot birthcards appear at first similar, yet their compatibility as a birth card pair inspires many beyond limitations. Liberating, it is with passion and purpose that “Temperance and The Hierophant” speak and lead others upon the path of personal potential.

Temperance and The Hierophant vs.
10/1 The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician
11/2 Justice and The High Priestess
12/3 The Hanged Man and The Empress
13/4 Death and The Emperor
14/5 Temperance and The Hierophant
15/6 The Devil and The Lovers
16/7 The Tower and The Chariot
17/8 The Star and Strength
18/9 The Moon and The Hermit
19/10/1 The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician
20 / 2 Judgement and The High Priestess
21/3 The World and The Empress