The Hanged Man and The Empress vs. Temperance and The Hierophant

Tarot Compatibility Meter

Taking everything into consideration, the compatibility of these tarot birth cards may be influential in regards to the potential of love and romance.

Abstract and purposeful, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” strive for the betterment of self via several avenues of improvement and various techniques. Spiritually, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” birth cards believe wholeheartedly in nurturing the soul; meditating and purging it of unnecessary baggage in hopes of discovering the deeper and more insightful meanings of life. In addition to this, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” also believes in physically caring for the body; the primary reason for which these birth cards constantly shower those it loves with careful attention, love, romance, and affection.

Similarly, “Temperance and The Hierophant” serves as a loving and affectionate guide for many other birth cards throughout life, with even particular attention to love and romance. Remaining an inspirational and charismatic leader for others, “Temperance and The Hierophant” goes further in matters of love and relationship to exemplify compatibility with one another and simultaneously satisfy one’s own inner, most personal goals and objectives.

Passionate and intent to achieve personal greatness, “Temperance and The Hierophant” would likely approve of the self-improvement methods employed by that of “The Hanged Man and The Empress.” Striving both together and independently for the same common achievement, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” birth cards may in effect bolster and fortify one another in love and romance on the road of life.

United in love and compassion, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” together with “Temperance and The Hierophant” may tilt the compatibility meter with a most positive reading. Serving similar purpose and having comparable interests in life, these two birth cards share a natural and common relationship goal… one which might allow them to complement and enrich each other’s lives for many years to come.

Temperance and The Hierophant

Tarot Compatibility The HierophantTarot Compatibility TemperanceWith passion and charisma, the tarot birth cards of “Temperance and The Hierophant” serve not only as role models of personal growth, but as trusted purveyors of faith and guidance as well.

Able to perceive meaning in all which it encounters, the birth card of Temperance maneuvers through the safest of paths. Reading into situations, it is with vast insight that Temperance is capable of reasoning all possible outcomes, and consequently decide upon the most efficient and appropriate course of action. For this reason, Temperance may avoid taking risks in regards to love, romance, and relationships.

On the other hand, The Hierophant birth card is highly regarded as an ethical and spiritual leader of decision-making. An expert of inner awareness, The Hierophant focuses on spiritual connectivity, inside and out, and possesses the true knowledge necessary to make such determinations. As such, decisions of love and romance for The Hierophant are almost always connected to the heart.

From tarot deck to spread, neither tarot birth cards appear at first similar, yet their compatibility as a birth card pair inspires many beyond limitations. Liberating, it is with passion and purpose that “Temperance and The Hierophant” speak and lead others upon the path of personal potential.

The Hanged Man and The Empress

Tarot Compatibility The EmpressTarot Compatibility Hanged ManDetached, yet simultaneously involved, few tarot birth cards debut the spiritual meaning versus the physical meaning, more than “The Hanged Man and The Empress.”

Hanging by his own merit, imperturbable on cross, The Hanged Man birth card, with glorified halo, represents a distancing of self; inner withdrawal from the trivial meanings of living, towards a deeper overall reading into life. Striving highly for abstract meaning via spiritual ideals, The Hanged Man is mindful of the importance of purging one’s soul, and seeks life, love, and relationships accordingly.

In contrast, The Empress birth card, sitting in dress and crown, comfortably and conventionally, remains focused upon that which is more tangible. By this, deeper meaning for The Empress is more aptly achieved via the attentive and active engagement shown and showered upon those around her.

Observed straight from the tarot deck, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” in spread produce countering imagery of color, posture, symbolism, and decorum. Despite this, the meanings of these birth cards are actually quite complimentary. Although in some ways opposite, “The Hanged Man and The Empress” unite as selflessly well-meaning, and capable of great love and devotion for those that they deem worthy.

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