The Devil and The Lovers
A duo of undeniable joys, “The Devil and The Lovers” birth card pair are both initiators and instigators of life’s indulgences.
Generous and giving, yet binding and calculating, The Devil birth card is a dealer of deliverables and desires. Reading into others, The Devil utilizes his self-determined nature to glorify the achievements of others, all the while capturing their weaknesses and taking ownership of the situation. Competitive and totally ambitious, The Devil is prone to jealousy, which is likely to follow this birth card into issues of love and relationships as well.
Cooperative and with an open attitude, The Lovers birth card embraces the overall sharing of life. Charmed and curious, however, The Lovers are at times thoughtless in their pursuit of life’s wonders. Naïve, this birth card is prone to make mistakes, but likely to salvage new potential for love and romance in the process.
United from the tarot deck, “The Devil and The Lovers” strive for a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, and likewise possess the motivation to uncover and spread delight without exception.
The Devil and The Lovers vs.