Tarot Birth Card Compatibility – The Tower and The Chariot

The Tower and The Chariot

Solid and consistent, “The Tower and The Chariot” birthcards stand for all that is fruitful in acts of perseverance and accomplishment.

Powerful and central to those around it, The Tower birth card commands the attention and acknowledgement of its observers. Indeed, it is in this regard that The Tower might not understand or find compatible any relationship where this dynamic could not be appropriately preserved. Potentially confrontational, it is with a looming sense that love and romance for The Tower might seem initially unexpected or even further intimidating.

Similarly balanced and steadfast, The Chariot birth card takes on the imperative by any means necessary. Through considerate preparation, a determined and balanced course of action is what The Chariot ultimately relies upon. As such, the journey of love and romance for The Chariot may often follow the same grounded and controlled mindset as well.

Together willful, confident, and resilient, “The Tower and The Chariot” are a tarot birth card pair which from tarot deck to spread, offer protection in both bold and varied capacities for the purposes of a common goal.

The Tower and The Chariot vs.
10/1 The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician
11/2 Justice and The High Priestess
12/3 The Hanged Man and The Empress
13/4 Death and The Emperor
14/5 Temperance and The Hierophant
15/6 The Devil and The Lovers
16/7 The Tower and The Chariot
17/8 The Star and Strength
18/9 The Moon and The Hermit
19/10/1 The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician
20 / 2 Judgement and The High Priestess
21/3 The World and The Empress