Tarot Compatibility Meter
Along the way, should the love and affections of these birth cards be shared and explored, what might the compatibility meter indicate for the eventual outcome?
To be certain, “Justice and The High Priestess,” strong and determined, is fervent in the upholding of truth and perfection. Striving endlessly for its goals, “Justice and The High Priestess,” is firm in discipline not only upon itself, but the numerous others it associates and confides in. Confident and up righteous, love and romance must then abide by these indoctrinated principles willingly and accordingly. As well, any potential suitors must likely undergo strict trials and tribulations via thorough examination before “Justice and The High Priestess” is to accept them as potential companions worthy of relationship.
That being said, “Temperance and The Hierophant” is a birth card of relative insight, wisdom, and at times inexplicable know-how. Keeping this in mind, these traits are no doubt helpful for this birth card pair on the compatibility meter. Thoughtful of potential outcomes, “Temperance and The Hierophant” is likely to choose endeavors of love and romance with the utmost care and consideration, before ever venturing haphazardly down any determined path of loyalty and faithfulness. Determinately and with pronounced passion, “Temperance and The Hierophant” wanders a path to personal greatness and much like “Justice and The High Priestess” shares a long term faith and belief in the inner retrieval of total perfectibility.
Reading into their compatibility then, both “Justice and The High Priestess” as well as “Temperance and The Hierophant” share a hugely common ambition to achieve meanings of excellence and perfection. Complementing each other long term, love and romance for both birth card pairs in this situation is then much more likely a sustainable relationship capable to endure the ultimate test of time.
Temperance and The Hierophant
With passion and charisma, the tarot birth cards of “Temperance and The Hierophant” serve not only as role models of personal growth, but as trusted purveyors of faith and guidance as well.
Able to perceive meaning in all which it encounters, the birth card of Temperance maneuvers through the safest of paths. Reading into situations, it is with vast insight that Temperance is capable of reasoning all possible outcomes, and consequently decide upon the most efficient and appropriate course of action. For this reason, Temperance may avoid taking risks in regards to love, romance, and relationships.
On the other hand, The Hierophant birth card is highly regarded as an ethical and spiritual leader of decision-making. An expert of inner awareness, The Hierophant focuses on spiritual connectivity, inside and out, and possesses the true knowledge necessary to make such determinations. As such, decisions of love and romance for The Hierophant are almost always connected to the heart.
From tarot deck to spread, neither tarot birth cards appear at first similar, yet their compatibility as a birth card pair inspires many beyond limitations. Liberating, it is with passion and purpose that “Temperance and The Hierophant” speak and lead others upon the path of personal potential.
Justice and The High Priestess
Bold and simultaneously becoming, the tarot birth cards of “Justice and The High Priestess” reveal an admiration for all that is perfect and true.
On one side, Justice sits for the fastidious upholding of truth, and uses his analytical prowess and determination to do so. Strong and clear in expectations, Justice shall guard this ideal with the utmost integrity. Reading as uncompromising, relationships and romance for Justice would likely require vigorous examination before given further consideration.
On the other side, silently smug and determinant, The High Priestess birth card appears righteous and with an air of omniscience, quite content. For The High Priestess, possessing an innate pompousness, her projection of self-realization may prove arrogant to others. Consequently, she may initially be perceived as cold and unapproachable to acts of love and romance.
Combined, having much in common, these birth cards even from tarot deck to spread, display several visual similarities. Adorned with crown and robe, both, appear stately and majestic while seated, yet notably confrontational in gesture and demeanor. Always seeking the truth, it is with this apparent attitude that they journey to reach life’s pinnacle of perfection.