Numerology Compatibility
Number 1 and 4

Numerology Compatibility Number 1When birth path number 1 and birth path number 4 come together, it is going to be a difficult one. The reason for this is because number 1 is an independent spirit and number 4 likes to control everything. If you are able to find respect for each other, you will then begin to listen to one another’s needs and accept each other. If you cannot find common ground and learn to accept each other’s faults, the relationship or date will be doomed.

Numerology Compatibility Number 4The number 1 ultimately needs to relinquish control or number 4 needs to reduce their desire to control each and every aspect of life. While opposites do attract, these two numbers are not going to compromise easily. Once you can get past what makes you two unique, you may be able to form a very strong meaning – but compromises will have to be made if you want your love relationship to be strong – and this goes for every aspect of the love match. Numerology is designed to teach you about compatibility – meanings are everywhere and you need to pay attention to what number 1 and number 4 mean together. A number 1 personality is very compatible with a number 4 personality.