Numerology Compatibility
Number 1 and 6

Numerology Compatibility Number 1The life path meanings of number 1 and number 6 can be compatible, but you will have to work on it quite a lot. There is always going to be a power struggle because number 1 wants to be independent and free-spirited while number 6 wants to be the caretaker. This pairing will only be successful if you work through the obstacles and give each other the support that you both require. You will have a lot of happiness in your life as long as you both understand what your natural personalities are. If you develop respect for each other early on, the compatibility will be much stronger.

Numerology Compatibility Number 6Singles often don’t want to relinquish control to anyone – but if you want your love relationship to work, you will have to establish some sort of middle ground where you can both care for each other without the number 6 taking away the free spirit of the number 1. No relationship is simple and this one is certainly not going to be one of the simpler partnerships you have ever been in. It can work, but you need to make sure that you work at it and know the meanings. The best way to make the relationship between number 1 and number 6 work is to ensure that number 1 is allowed to be the free spirit. The moment that number 1 is not able to be free and independent is the moment that the relationship stops functioning as it should. Pay attention to what numerology says about personalities. A number 1 personality and a number 6 personality might not be very compatible.