Rat and Monkey

Rat and Monkey – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

Chinese Compatibility Rat The Chinese say that the Rat and Monkey zodiac signs are a very lively pair.

The Rat man is very quiet and will play into his Monkey woman’s antics. She will draw him into the limelight and share the attention with him. The Rat woman is apt to be the instigator in a relationship with a Monkey man. These two zodiac signs will liven up any party they attend. Rat and Monkey are accustomed to being the couple everyone adores and wants to be like. Although they get along very well, there are some differences between the two that need to be worked out in a lasting relationship. When dating, everything is carefree and simple; but when becoming a love match or marrying, the relationship between the Rat and the Monkey can get difficult.

Chinese Compatibility Monkey The sexual relationship between the Rat and Monkey combination will be exciting and breathless, predicts Chinese horoscopes. These two are creative and clever. Playtime is all the time. The Monkey will lead the Rat into many sexual escapades and the Rat will follow and submit willingly. Hours and hours of sexual exploration is common between these two Chinese signs and nothing is taboo in their love and sex relationship. The Rat and the Monkey are very likely to get kinky in the bedroom on a regular basis.