Sheep and Rabbit

Sheep (Goat) and Rabbit – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

Chinese Compatibility Sheep or Goat The zodiac pairing between the Rabbit and the Sheep in Chinese astrology is a great pair. These two are sure to have a lot of fun together and they have a good chance at becoming a love match.

Rabbit women are quiet and a little shy. They are very creative and hate to get bored. Sheep men are tender and kind. They are very giving people who have a natural concern for the welfare of others. Rabbit men can be very reserved at times but they also have a great flair for remembering details. Sheep women are worry warts. They love art and are very economical people.

Chinese Compatibility Rabbit When the Rabbit and the Sheep are out on a date, they attract attention because of how much fun they have and how loving they are together. They can even make a few other couples jealous at times, this is because of how well they seem to get along. The Rabbit and the Sheep can be found at a local wine tasting, touring a new art collection, or spending time alone. In the bedroom, their lovemaking is passionate and sensual. They are accustomed to touching, caressing, long kisses, and hours of sexual intercourse.