Numerology Compatibility
Number 5 and 6

Numerology Compatibility Number 5The number 5 and the number 6 are not always as compatible simply because number 1 wants freedom and number 6 wants commitment. The art of compromise has to be established early on otherwise this love relationship is never going to make it. If you can learn to meet in the middle, you can have a blast – however, finding the middle can be very difficult. Number 5 wants freedom and adventure while number 6 wants control and commitment. The worst thing for this relationship is to get into a position that will not work for the other one.

Numerology Compatibility Number 6Communication has to be a primary focus within this relationship otherwise someone is going to get pushed into territory that they don’t want to be in. Compromise can work as long as each understands where the other person is coming from. It may be a situation where the number 5 needs to try something that number 6 wants and then number 6 will try something that number 5 wants. If the art of compromise is mastered, this will be a compatible relationship. Without compromise, you might go back to the single life very quickly and need to pursue a more meaningful relationship – perhaps with a different single digit. According to numerology a number 5 personality and a number 6 personality are not very compatible.

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