Numerology Compatibility
Number 5 and 8

Numerology Compatibility Number 5Number 5 and number 8 paired together is going to be so-so in terms of compatibility because you will either be perfect for each other or absolutely terrible. It all depends upon how extreme your personalities are. You both hate to follow the rules and this is either going to bring you together or divide you apart. Number 5 likes freedom and number 8 likes to be the boss. As long as number 8 doesn’t want to be the boss of number 5, the two of you will be able to work together to form a love relationship. Number 5 wants nothing to do with money while number 8 likes to manage it – and this can help when it comes to managing the mundane day to day tasks of the relationship that may divide other couples. Where you two differ is what brings the two of you together.

Numerology Compatibility Number 8It is your similarities that can divide you – and this is where you need to spend the most time and effort. You have to compromise and plan out your time together so that both of you get what you need. As a number five and number eight, you can have a great relationship, but it all depends on what personality traits are the strongest within each of you and whether compromise is something that can be done or not. Talk about what you do and don’t like with the number five and number eight and get to know your personalities – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Once you talk it out, you may be able to find room for compromise. According to numerology a number 5 personality is not very compatible with a number 8 personality.

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