Ox and Pig

Ox and Pig – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

Chinese Compatibility Ox The combination between the Ox and the Pig is not a very good love match according to Chinese astrology. It will take a lot of hard work to keep this relationship together.

The Ox man can be very stubborn. The Pig woman is not so stubborn but she has a very hot temper and she is impulsive. This can tend to anger the Ox and create resentment right from the start. The Ox woman, though she is quiet and kind, can hold a grudge at times. The Pig man is one who is always talked into things by his close friends. This makes it hard for the two to connect. The Pig woman has very few friends but cherishes those who are close to her. The Ox male manages to have a lot of good friends and sees his mate as a threat because of her wishy-washy ways.

Chinese Compatibility Pig Sexually, the only thing that these two have in common is that they are both honest zodiac signs. They are both horrible at communicating and even dating is a trial. These two can find little in common and even less to talk about. Having sex is just that between them, just sex. Although the Pig is very forgiving, the Ox is not. Avoiding this relationship is suggested.

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