Ox and Rabbit

Ox and Rabbit – Chinese Compatibility – Chinese Astrology

Chinese Compatibility Ox The relationship between the Chinese zodiac signs Ox and Rabbit is a confusing mix. The Ox is very honest and simple. The Ox man is one who works hard and is patient with his lover. The Rabbit woman is very kind and sensitive. She fits very well with the Ox on the surface but over time she becomes bored quickly.

Chinese Compatibility Rabbit The Ox woman is one who keeps a schedule and varies little from it. The Rabbit man hates schedules and routines. He finds them very boring.
These two make a cute couple when dating. The Ox man will open doors and pull out chairs for his beautiful Rabbit. The Rabbit woman will show her gratefulness to her kind Ox by showering him with affection and attention, something he quietly craves.

In the bedroom, these two are apt to spend hours lovemaking with many romantic interludes. They are both sensitive zodiac signs and Chinese horoscopes state that they will be good together but will suffer many arguments. This creates a need for communication and problem solving skills that are not easy to adapt to. If the Ox and the Rabbit are in love they can make the relationship work.

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