Tarot Compatibility Meter
Meanings for compatibility for these tarot birth cards are of course, interpreted upon the founding characteristics and qualities with which “The Tower and The Chariot” and “The Devil and The Lovers” are fully comprised.
Leading the way, completely reserved and in command, “The Tower and The Chariot” is a compatible tarot birth card pair of monumental accomplishment and fervent determination. Possessing great strength and assurance, “The Tower and The Chariot” is able to harness and control its power, talents, and energy in order to overcome problems and obstacles with apparent ease. Powerful and intimidating by nature, one cannot deny that a certain sense of unpredictability follows reliably in suit with “The Tower and The Chariot.” . In matters of romance and relationship, “The Tower and The Chariot” lends itself freely and reliably to those it loves.
But for this presenting itself as opposing and seemingly unapproachable, developing a relationship of love and affection with “The Tower and The Chariot” may initially be daunting or dismaying.
Looking in earnest for the experiences and pleasures of the world, however, “The Devil and The Lovers” birth cards know no fear with respect to seemingly limitless ambition!
Furthermore, standing as perpetrators of satisfaction, “The Devil and The Lovers” is a birth card pair which exists but to please! Self-determined for glorification, “The Devil and The Lovers” find achievement in both the experience and giving of pleasure and delight. As such generous, but rarely without motive… potential suitors beware! “The Devil and The Lovers” may be self-motivated in regards of love and competitive and jealous in terms of relationship. Uncovering the desires of others, “The Devil and The Lovers” is a tarot birth card pair set to capitalize upon that which is discovers, developing and promoting its own imposed compatibility in the forms of flattery and glorification of other’s achievements.
Fittingly enough, “The Tower and The Chariot” by nature basks in and indeed requires such attention! Totally inclined to receive such lavish accommodations, “The Tower and The Chariot” may fall helplessly vulnerable to the actions of “The Devil and The Lovers.”
In this manner reading into others, “The Devil and The Lovers” birth card pair is persistent and awarding, but often receiving personal benefits as part of the process. In turn, earning the protection, dedication, and pure strength of “The Tower and The Chariot,” it is then that “The Devil and The Lovers” is enabled with a much coveted return on investment.
The Tower and The Chariot
Solid and consistent, “The Tower and The Chariot” birth cards stand for all that is fruitful in acts of perseverance and accomplishment.
Powerful and central to those around it, The Tower birth card commands the attention and acknowledgement of its observers. Indeed, it is in this regard that The Tower might not understand or find compatible any relationship where this dynamic could not be appropriately preserved. Potentially confrontational, it is with a looming sense that love and romance for The Tower might seem initially unexpected or even further intimidating.
Similarly balanced and steadfast, The Chariot birth card takes on the imperative by any means necessary. Through considerate preparation, a determined and balanced course of action is what The Chariot ultimately relies upon. As such, the journey of love and romance for The Chariot may often follow the same grounded and controlled mindset as well.
Together willful, confident, and resilient, “The Tower and The Chariot” are a tarot birth card pair which from tarot deck to spread, offer protection in both bold and varied capacities for the purposes of a common goal.
The Devil and The Lovers
A duo of undeniable joys, “The Devil and The Lovers” birth card pair are both initiators and instigators of life’s indulgences.
Generous and giving, yet binding and calculating, The Devil birth card is a dealer of deliverables and desires. Reading into others, The Devil utilizes his self-determined nature to glorify the achievements of others, all the while capturing their weaknesses and taking ownership of the situation. Competitive and totally ambitious, The Devil is prone to jealousy, which is likely to follow this birth card into issues of love and relationships as well.
Cooperative and with an open attitude, The Lovers birth card embraces the overall sharing of life. Charmed and curious, however, The Lovers are at times thoughtless in their pursuit of life’s wonders. Naive, this birth card is prone to make mistakes, but likely to salvage new potential for love and romance in the process.
United from the tarot deck, “The Devil and The Lovers” strive for a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, and likewise possess the motivation to uncover and spread delight without exception.