Tarot Compatibility Meter
Finding that these two birth cards are compatible and fit for romance, several meanings can then evolve of this relationship.
Reading steadfast on the compatibility meter, “The Tower and The Chariot” is a tarot birth card pair of remarkable meanings and possibilities. Possessing steadfast resolution and grit. “The Tower and The Chariot” is irrevocably capable of monumental and awe-inspiring deeds. Incredibly willful by nature, and there is no telling what “The Tower and The Chariot” birth cards can accomplish once it sets its mind to it.
Keeping that in mind, both reliably waiting and resourceful, even the impossible obstacles of love are made fleeting by the determination and strength of “The Tower and The Chariot” birth cards. Desiring to remain the focal point of a relationship, however, several accommodations in love and romance may have to be made in order make such a relationship happen. Heavy and oppressive, “The Tower and The Chariot” may find love and romance initially awkward. Often a centripetal force to those around it, love and relationships may pass with abundance for this birth card. Intimidating and protective, however, all matters of love and romance are respectfully and deliberately regarded.
With that in mind, courageous and determined, “The Moon and The Hermit” birth card pair is always pushing onward and journeying forward with resolution on its path to personal greatness. Making this its purpose for existence in life, “The Moon and The Hermit” challenges itself endlessly to never ending glory.
Enjoying the fruit of its labor, “The Moon and The Hermit” birth card pair is consequently rewarded with the acquisition of much knowledge and insight from its travels. Romantically inclined, “The Moon and The Hermit” then has much to contribute and share with those it chooses to love and appreciate in relationship.
Together, these birth cards provide for an interesting relationship… whereby neither birth card pair is particularly offensive to the other, nor are they readily seen as complementary. Still, the potential reading for compatibility between them is there, and as such, the likelihood of a rewarding and loving relationship cannot be discounted.
The Moon and The Hermit
Extreme meanings in contrast, “The Moon and The Hermit” are tarot birth cards of compatible journeyers on a mission.
Facing the unknown, The Moon birth card becomes the darkness of uncertainty. Overcoming the fear of unrealized possibilities, The Moon must grow and adapt to whatever challenges emerge, consistently rediscovering itself in the process. Evolving to meet changing circumstances, this birth card is however prone to mistrust, meaning a relationship or romance may suffer from its insecurities and fears.
Working long and steady, The Hermit birth card is smart, analytical, and ambitious. Garnering knowledge and experience with faith, The Hermit creates from his labor a path from which others may follow. Carefully reading into his efforts, The Hermit, as a result may become inundated by his work and thus relegate little time for love and romance.
Covering all dimensions of travel and exploration, from the tarot deck, this loyal birth card pair exists to serve. As companions and guides, “The Moon and The Hermit” spread promise to others whose journey of personal growth has only commenced and further encourages them through to its completion.
The Tower and The Chariot
Solid and consistent, “The Tower and The Chariot” birth cards stand for all that is fruitful in acts of perseverance and accomplishment.
Powerful and central to those around it, The Tower birth card commands the attention and acknowledgement of its observers. Indeed, it is in this regard that The Tower might not understand or find compatible any relationship where this dynamic could not be appropriately preserved. Potentially confrontational, it is with a looming sense that love and romance for The Tower might seem initially unexpected or even further intimidating.
Similarly balanced and steadfast, The Chariot birth card takes on the imperative by any means necessary. Through considerate preparation, a determined and balanced course of action is what The Chariot ultimately relies upon. As such, the journey of love and romance for The Chariot may often follow the same grounded and controlled mindset as well.
Together willful, confident, and resilient, “The Tower and The Chariot” are a tarot birth card pair which from tarot deck to spread, offer protection in both bold and varied capacities for the purposes of a common goal.