Tarot Compatibility Meter
Destiny aside, however, the future for “The World and The Empress” may eventually include another of the same birth card pair. If indeed under these circumstances, the compatibility reading of its mirrored birth card pair may encounter several interpreted meanings.
With the compatibility meter working overtime, “The World and The Empress” makes for an upfront and supportive partner in romance and relationship, even for itself! Focused on meanings of the present, “The World and The Empress” strives for the improvement and empowerment of the world around it. Reading creation as a process of rules and control, “The World and The Empress” gauges and makes ready the steady improvement necessary to achieve eventual greatness.
Reading further into this, another of the same tarot birth card pairing would likely grow resentful in love and romance. Both, after all, are visionaries; those which see the potential in things but do not necessarily see eye-to-eye on how certain plans should be carried out. Both striving for consistent improvement, love and romance, once initiated with intent, would never be allowed to die, and always be cultivated to grow.
Be those goals of improvement not viewed in agreement, however, then little is to be gained. Reading this in common with each other, the compatibility of these birth cards would consequently become uncertain and questionable in terms of sustainable romance.
The World and The Empress
Current and in vogue, “The World and The Empress” are a tarot birth card pair all about the moment!
Clear and disciplined, The World birth card places limits and order upon all which is energetic and open. Geared towards steady progress, The World employs a regular and methodical philosophy in its approach to any endeavor. Likewise, a relationship of love and romance is prone to follow a similar traditional process as well.
This formality is somewhat shared by The Empress birth card, who although strictly nurturing and protective, welcomes natural creativity. Sitting in loose dress, comfortably and conventionally, The Empress birth card, in romance and relationship, is less orderly and more unpredictable.
Drawn from the tarot deck, these birth cards realize the present with admiration and respect. Going forward, it is with this mentality that “The World and The Empress” then serves a higher purpose upon an eventual and much anticipated destiny.