Numerology Compatibility
Number 1 and 2

Numerology Compatibility Number 1When the number 1 and number 2 come together, there are two completely different personalities clashing. The number 1 is well-equipped to be the wage earner while the number 2 is the one that will build a nest and keep the excitement in the date or love relationship alive. Each of you will need to work hard in order to make your relationship work. The number 1 will need to stop becoming so distracted and make sure to provide as much attention as number 2 needs. As long as you will remember to keep working on your partnership, it can be a great one, but the moment that either of you stops working, the relationship can fall apart because of your differences.

Numerology Compatibility Number 2Since the number 1 and number 2 are so opposite, it is important to understand what makes each of you tick. Talk about your differences and see if there is a way to meet in the middle. The trick to making this relationship work is making sure that number 2 gets all of the necessary attention, which means number 1 is going to be the one to put the most work into the relationship. A number 1 personality is not very compatible with a number 2 personality.

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